Monday 23rd September 2024

5 property marketing tips to achieve faster sales

Once you have already identified and are reaching your target market, you'll want to make sure you have the best possible chance of making a sale!

1) WOW Factor Visualisation & Life-Like Imagery

Especially important for selling off-plan, homeowners and investors need to understand and imagine what it would feel like to live in the property, especially if it hasn't been built yet. If you’re property photography or CGI don’t “wow” or draw your audience in, it's unlikely they will want to explore further!

2) Floor Plans

Linked to the above, buyers need to understand the layout and size of their home, including. Homebuyers consider these essential. 3D floor plans and animated virtual walk-through videos / CGI enable buyers to immerse themselves in the property and understand the spaces.

3) Optimise for Mobile

Considering the majority of your audience will be viewing your marketing assets through their mobile, is your micro-site or PDF property brochure optimised for mobile or tablet users? If they quickly bounce off or leave your website once they reach it, you have no chance in capturing their interest.

4) It’s all About Location

Whether a homeowner or an investor looking for rentability or appreciation, have you showcased the location of your property and its’ main anchor points? Have you educated them on all the benefits of living in that specific location? Once again, linked to No. 1, buyers need to not only imagine living in the building but also the lifestyle the area has to offer.

5) Capture Interest Whilst it’s HOT!

Make yourself or your Property Sales Team readily accessible in exchange for contact details. Buyers who complete a form on your website are engaged and interested. This is the best time to offer your assistance. How long does it take you to respond to an interested buyer? How did you feel the last time a shopkeeper/assistant ignored you or failed to welcome you?

There are of course, many more so please feel free to let us know by writing to us.

Please also feel free to contact our specialist property marketing team if you would like to arrange a call, to talk through your property marketing requirements.

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